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Your Last Chance to Binge Watch The Success Accelerator! 









Training 1:
Success On Your Terms + Identifying Your Current Wiring

Download Day 1 Worksheet

Training 2: 
The Recipe for Instant Confidence + Anti-Perfection

Download Day 2 Worksheet

Training 3:
How to Create Time and Money On Demand

Download Day 3 Worksheet

The Rewired Transformation Movie!

Training 4: 
Make Success Your Default Setting

Download Day 4 Worksheet

Training 5: 
The Chemistry of Transformation

Download the Day 5 Worksheet
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“While I intended for a change in just my business, this program has impacted all parts of my life because the way we think about EVERYTHING impacts all the actions we take in all aspects of life. I’ve gained an amazing toolset that I apply daily.

When I feel stuck or unsure, I have my mindset family in a tight-knit private group.

Other members have become close friends and true supporters who get it! Brad always provides so much support in all his personal feedback and office hours. I’ve changed the way I think about myself, I celebrate my wins, I catch myself before I find myself struggling.

The most important to me of all though is I have literally been glowing with happiness and shining as a growing leader- and my teammates SEE it ❤️.

I hit business goals that hadn’t been hit for 7+ months all because my mindset and energy changed.

I truly found my purpose and what sets my soul on fire to show up for others (and myself). I feel so much more confident knowing I have this access for life and that I can only keep going up!"

- Rachelle Ruffner

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“This is personal development on steroids. It's not fluffy like most PD. Most PD just gives you another strategy but doesn’t solve the root of the issue. This is the only program I’ve ever seen that does that. It's so interactive and you get customized support to your specific life challenges. I'm sharing so much deeper and more authentically with my audience. 

I'm able to help my kids with their challenges better than ever before. 

The return on this investment is phenomenal. I truly believe every person needs to do this program.”

- Tanya Malcolm, ShineOnMama Podcast Host

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“I'm so glad I joined! It’s like when you get a new purse. When you’re switching over from the old one, you throw away all the garbage and unneeded things, so you can only put the best of the best into your new purse. Well, that’s what Brad does with your freaking life. He turns it upside down and has you FINALLY throw out all the old garbage and put only the best of the best back into your new life. 

I’m so glad I joined and can’t wait to keep growing even more. This is changing my life more than I ever imagined.

- Sarah Ottman, Home Business Owner

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“If you feel like you're "doing all the things" and still not getting where you wanna go, you need Brad's program! This is the missing link to breaking down your walls and reaching your potential!”.

- Micah Folsom - Double 15 Star Diamond, 4X Elite Beachbody Coach, Multi-Million Dollar Earner in Network Marketing

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“This material is life-changing! After reading many self-help books, Brad's trainings are by far the most compelling.

The training gives you tangible ways to improve your daily outlook and build the self-confidence that ties directly to your goals.

I've already seen big strides in my abilities to grow a business and my friends and family are starting to ask what's changed about me. I'm so grateful I started!”

- Courtney Frazee, Owner, Oleander Branding

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“My life is forever changed! Absolutely blown away! This program has opened my eyes just to how different life can be! I've learned so much about myself and have noticed a mindset shift to where I am responding differently to situations and thinking more clearly in my life & my business. The support and encouragement from Brad is amazing & he means it when he says he is THERE for you the whole way!

Since I joined, not only is my business growing more in the last few months than it has in years (my checks have over doubled!!), but disagreements with my husband have ended & my marriage is thriving. I am a more present mother with my two toddlers. I am genuinely the happiest I have ever been, my anxiety no longer controls me & I have learned that I am in control of my life, success in my business & happiness at all times! I cannot tell you just how incredible I feel!"

- Janelle LaBrie - Online Course Creator and Multi 6 Figure Earner In Network Marketing