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Behind the 'Overnight Success': Ryan Weeden's Two-Decade Path to a $10 Million Breakthrough

Nov 27, 2023

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  • Photographer, actor, real estate agent, hair stylist?!
  • Building the skills to run an 8-figure business
  • 3 pieces of advice to become an “overnight” success
  • The harsh truth about setting a vision for yourself
  • How to move through imposter syndrome
  • What's your archetype? Take my free quiz!
  • Watch the video for the full training!
  • If you feel as if you should be farther along than you are right now, not only will today’s training give you perspective, but inspire you to persevere.




The biggest challenge people face setting goals is making the mistake of thinking that once they make them, they should already be there. They get in their head and frustrated because they want success now. 


If you’re in that place where you feel that success should have already happened to you, then today’s special guest is going to blow you away with their “overnight” success. A 20+ year success story in the making, Ryan Weeden shares the realities of building an 8-figure business that serves people around the world. 


In today’s conversation, we begin by discussing Ryan’s initial journey to success and the multitude of jobs that ultimately led him to his 8-figure business:


  • Growing up Ryan felt without direction while watching people he knew have their lives already figured out. He considered himself a “searcher”. He always wanted to find something he was passionate about to do for a living. But being an achiever as well, he was particularly hard on himself and would push himself to the next level faster than he probably should have.


  • His searcher instincts lead him through a slew of different jobs and situations. Starting a photography business. Acting in New York. Sleeping on friends’ floors when he was broke. Later he would realize he had learned different skills along the way that actually geared him up for who and where he is today.


  • What led him initially to what would turn into his 8-figure business was his girlfriend’s mom. She told him how hugely successful doing hair could be and showed him resources and articles about them. Inspired and excited he went to hair school and realized he had a great mind for it. It appealed to his creative side, but also the possibilities of what he could do with his new career appealed to his entrepreneurial mindset. 


  • Although being a hairstylist was a very fulfilling passion, he quit the profession for about 2.5 years. The combination of being in a toxic relationship and not finding the success he craved drove him to a corporate job he hated and then to try his hand at being a real estate agent. While neither job panned out, the latter led him to his mentor who helped him dream bigger and introduced him to the world of online marketing. 


  • Returning to being a hairstylist to build up his income and name in a new state, he worked hard on the side creating an online course that would eventually lead to his millions: Masters of Balayage. It’s now the go-to name in the hair industry for educational partnerships. 


Ryan generously goes on to share advice on becoming an “overnight success” and more:


What three pieces of advice would you give our listeners to help them keep going so they can become an overnight success?

First, never give up.

Second, surround yourself with the right people. We create the reality around us, and the people we surround ourselves with play a huge role in that. If they’re negative and pessimistic, you’ll see a lot of negativity in the world, and vice versa with positivity.

And third, take bold action, always. Bold action puts you in uncomfortable situations, but that’s where growth happens. Don’t be a dabbler. Go all in.


If you could share a piece of advice with your younger self to help him become successful faster, what would it be?

Get clearer on who you want to be and what you want first, and trust that you'll always find a way to get there.


To the people listening/reading who know they need a vision, what advice would you give them to help find that vision?

Make a list of all the things you should be doing to get you to the person you want to become, and then start doing them. And to the people who’ve made the list but aren’t acting on them… I’d say, I hope you’re happy with your life now because it’s never going to change


How can someone move through imposter syndrome?

The way through it is to sit down and do the work. You need to build up your own proof and skills that you can do it. You need to feel like you’re worthy to break out of that imposter syndrome. I know you’ve said this before Brad, but it’s true. You need to act as if you are that person you want to be—a CEO, a great parent, etc.—before you are and soon enough you naturally shift into that mindset and role.


And finally, to wrap up our conversation, Ryan shares with us the one insight that radically changed his life!


“Think bigger and find tangible ways to get it done. Actually, learn a way to get to where you want.”


You can get in touch with Ryan Weeden on Instagram @ryan.weeden where he puts out daily content. 


To anyone who feels like they should already be successful by now, I hope today’s interview showed you that “overnight success” doesn’t happen overnight at all. It takes trial and error. But if you never give up, think bigger, and surround yourself with people and take bold action, you can wake up in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years from now with a life that’s beyond your wildest dreams. 


And if you’re stuck on “thinking bigger” and creating a vision for yourself as discussed above, a great opportunity is available for you right now. 


Life on Purpose.


This 5-day course walks you step-by-step through creating that bright and brilliant vision of your future, and how to execute it while destroying the sneaky limiting beliefs holding you back. It’s a powerhouse course that can cut your path to success in half. You can learn more about it here, and take advantage of the price cut from $497 to $97 today only.


Thank you for tuning into The Rewire Your Mind podcast!


What's your archetype? Take my free quiz!





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