[FREE QUIZ] - What's Your Unique Success Archetype?

How Successful People View Money

Oct 30, 2023

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  • Why you don’t need more money before you can be successful
  • The true byproduct of change
  • How money wants you to feel about it and how it doesn’t
  • Your birthright to wealth and money
  • You will never get beyond scarcity; you have to start beyond it
  • What's your archetype? Take my free quiz!
  • Watch the video for the full training!
  • If your relationship with money is lacking but you're eager to make more, then today’s lesson will provide critical insights to achieving your money goals!



Have you ever made the mistake of believing that you need more money before you can become successful and that somehow having more money will make all of your dreams possible?


Most people stay stuck in their life thinking that their financial situation needs to change before they can change—but this is 100% wrong.


Which is why today we’re discussing the five differences between the way most people view money and how successful people view money. So you can start shifting your perspective and reaping the benefits ASAP!


#1: Relationship Status

Successful people view money as a relationship. But most people don’t even acknowledge the relationship. 

Think of money as a friend. If you talk crap about money, judge money, and use it right away to make yourself feel significant, money won’t want to stick around you.

The same is true if you’re super clingy with your money. If you’re someone that has never shown appreciation for money, if you feared the potential sacrifice it would take to have more money in your life, would you actually want that friendship?

It goes both ways.


You have a relationship with money the same way you do with people.


Anytime they're there, you need to be so grateful and appreciative. Love them unconditionally. If money wants to take a trip, meaning if you had an opportunity to invest in something, or if money went somewhere else for a little while, simply say, “Amazing, have a great time, I'll see you when you get back.”

Money just wants to feel like you want it in your life, but not from a desperate place. 

How you view money will determine your entire relationship. The more appreciative you are about money, and the more okay you are with money leaving for the right reasons, the more money will come around.


#2: Birthright Perspective

Successful people view money differently from most people in that most people believe they need to be deserving of money whereas successful people view money as an amazing resource that is their birthright.

Most people believe that money is limited, and they have to work and sacrifice the things they love to earn their little slice of the pie. They’re afraid that money will lead to pain, and they think they need to be deserving of their sliver.

But there is no pie of money, there is no limit on how money is created.


Successful people view money as their birthright.


Your wealth is directly proportional to the number of lives you change, and how well you’ve changed them. People may consider having too much money as greedy. The reverse is what’s actually true. Staying broke is being greedy because the only way to become truly wealthy is to give all of who you are to the world. It's a resource that allows you to serve more people, make it so you can expand other people’s possibilities and what they’re capable of.


#3: Spending Money

Successful, six-figure high performers view investing money as something that will return to them tenfold.

But most people? They view spending money or investing money as an expense that isn’t going to come back to them. They view it as more costly to not invest their dollars to create the life they want. 

But if you don’t have money, that’s exactly why you need to invest it, so you can create more of it. You will never go broke from investing in yourself because you develop skills and mindsets that no one can take from you.


#4: Abundance

Successful people view money as an abundant, flowing resource while most people view money as a scarce resource.

Successful people view money like air, when they breathe, they don’t worry about where the next breath is coming from. But most people treat it like they need to breathe in and hold it and squeeze the air so it doesn’t go anywhere… 

But eventually, they suffocate. 

If you’re not willing to exhale—to let go of money—you’re preventing money from coming back to you because you're so attached to it. Thinking you can’t invest in yourself because you don’t have money is the default setting that needs to be rewired!


#5: Circumstances

The fifth and final difference in the way most people view money versus how successful people view money is that most people view money based on their circumstances.

Here’s the thing though, wealth only comes when you stop making decisions based on where you are and instead make decisions based on where you’re going. You need to rewire your mind and take a leap of faith and invest in yourself, regardless of whether you’re in debt or how much money you have now.

You will never get beyond scarcity, you have to start beyond scarcity.

It’s not that money changes first, it’s that you become abundant first.


By shifting through these five things—seeing money as a relationship, knowing that wealth is your birthright, knowing it's an investment to invest money, knowing it's always coming back to you, and investing based on where you’re going—is the catalyst to change your life. 


Take a leap of faith and invest in rewiring your mind for success.


Rewired is the sixth step, guaranteed to accelerate your success instantly and increase your confidence and, finally, build the six-figure income that you deserve.

Thank you for tuning into The Rewire Your Mind podcast! Remember, you’re only one insight away from a radically different life!


What's your archetype? Take my free quiz!




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