[FREE QUIZ] - What's Your Unique Success Archetype?

Are you a rowboat, battleship or cruise ship?

Apr 08, 2020

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  • Rowboats may change direction quickly, but in the first storm, you’re screwed. 
  • Battleships might make it through a hurricane, but they’re so controlling and it’s too tense. 
  • Be the cruise ship. Learn how to guide people to beautiful destinations safely.
  • Metaphors make life easier to understand. 
  • Watch the video for the full training! 
  • If you want an honest look into how you’re navigating chaos and also want to change it to win during times of chaos, this training is a must-watch!  


You're in a storm right now and unless you choose to upgrade the type of boat you’re in, you’re going to have a very VERY hard time (and you’ll likely drown). 

I want to give you a metaphor that can change the way you view challenges (whether it's a global pandemic, a challenge with your spouse, receiving a mean email, or a judgmental comment on social media).

With that, welcome to The Path To Mindset Mastery! My name is Brad Bizjack! I’m a Mindset Strategist and Coach, inspirational speaker, and creator of Appreciation Academy and I help online business owner’s breakthrough all the negative self-talk holding you back from your dreams so you can finally see the success you deserve! This is the weekly spot to break through everything that’s holding you back from the life you really want! 

So let me ask you, during this storm, what type of boat are you in right now?

There's a big storm happening in life right now. There are 50 feet high waves in front of you with lightning and wind all around.  It’s just terrifying!

So, I'm curious, which type of boats are you choosing to go through this storm in?!

1)      ROWBOAT

**You’re just focused on YOU.

You're paddling as hard as you can, but you're starting to drown a little bit. That boat is going to flip. You're not gonna make it through the storm. You just feel like you're suffering. All the rain is coming down on you.  It feels like it’s all your fault. It's not fair that other people have it easier. Your life is too hard.

Is this your boat?! If so, what are the consequences of using a rowboat to go through this storm?

You're going to drown (first and foremost), but you're also going to hurt other people in this boat! All suffering comes from expectation. If you have an expectation of how life should be and you don't think it's fair to be where you are right now, you're only focused on yourself. And when you're only focused on yourself (and how things should be), you will not be happy in the way that you're meant to be.

In your rowboat, you are paddling as hard as you freaking can and the rain is pouring down on you and you don't have the tools and structures to move through and beat this storm.


**You’re trying to CONTROL everything.

You try to control your family, team, anyone and you’re very demanding. 

You’re still focused on yourself, but even more so you’re focused on ‘How do I make sure I get through this?!’ You control everything and everyone.

You have rules and expectations of how things need to be.  You will make it through the storm, but you will ruffle some feathers along the way and it won’t be a fun place to be on your ship.  You’re only focused on YOU winning. 


This is the one I encourage you to try!

It’s a massive boat with stabilizers guiding you towards a beautiful destination.  In this boat, you’re also guiding others toward a beautiful destination. There are people that are trusting you to get them to the destination safely (your family and/or team).

You can choose the leadership role!

You can choose to be the cruise ship captain!

You can be the person that's taking all these people to beautiful destinations, getting them through the storm together and arriving safely. That can be your choice.

My challenge to you is to be the Cruise Ship: Be the beacon of light for people! Guide people to a beautiful destination safely!

You might be thinking (in life right now) we need to make some turns.

We need to make some pivots.

We need to switch directions in the way that we do things.

Well, if you’re in a rowboat, you can shift directions really quickly because it's just you in there. All you gotta do is turn. Battleships move a little bit slower than a rowboat but can still turn pretty quick.

In a Cruise Ship, it takes a little bit of time.  You have to do a slow turn. What we need to realize is that there are shifts happening in life right now. There's a turn coming up in our life and if we keep doing things the same way we've been doing them (at 200 miles an hour), we’re going to hit that wall and die!

You're going to crash and burn. We need to realize it's okay to slow down a little bit. It's okay to regroup. It's okay to gather our mindset here and change the way that we're viewing the situation.

Be okay with that slow turn because you're guiding people.  You’re a leader!

We ALL need to make some pivots, but it doesn’t happen super quick (and we need to be okay with that!)

Release the expectations of how things should go and be okay with how they are going. Be the Cruise Ship that is choosing to go to a beautiful destination, guiding all of these people! Be the example.

How are you being an example for your family?

How are you being an example for your team?

Are you showing them how to get through this with a positive mindset?

(Or are you letting this storm of life dominate you?!)

You can be emotionally centered in chaos! You really can! It's totally up to you how you view it and you can decide to upgrade boats whenever you want.

A great way to do that is to ask yourself… “Am I being a role model right now?”

If the answer is NO, then upgrade your boat! Be a role model in every situation. Be the Cruise Ship!  Guide people to a beautiful destination! Imagine what that will do for your team, for your spouse, for your kids, for everyone and everything!  For your business, for your banking account…

You’ll be the source of calm in the storm.

Your kids are going to see a great example.

Your team is going to be inspired.

Your bank account will increase.

You'll turn this challenge into the best opportunity you’ve ever had!!

BUT it takes you being the role model.

One great way to do that is by doubling down on your personal growth! Find a way to invest in yourself, in your mindset during this storm!

During this storm, I have a promotion going on NOW for anyone that is interested in furthering their growth, mastering their mindset, making sure they choose the positive emotions and being that cruise ship during this time. If you’re interested, I'm offering 75% off my Appreciation Academy course in the month of April!


This course will help you become a cruise ship! It will help you set your sail in a new direction and move towards a beautiful destination! 

If this episode has been helpful to you, SHARE IT! Be the role model and help other people reframe their mindset and be a leader when the world needs it the most! If we can spread this message to as many people as possible, it will help them change their life and regain control of their mind.

Thank you so much for tuning into The Path To Mindset Mastery


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