[FREE QUIZ] - What's Your Unique Success Archetype?

The 3 Forces That Make or Break Your Success

May 08, 2023

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  • Quantity vs Quality
  • Most common objections to 3 Forces of success
  • How pride and ego derail personal development
  • Everyone's Greatest Obstacle (E.G.O.)
  • Success Forces 1-3
  • Why you never go broke from investing in yourself
  • How to evaluate a great peer group
  • The trick to breaking through plateaus
  • Watch the video for the full training!
  • What's your unique success archetype? Take the quiz to find out now! 
  •  If you struggle with making personal development stick, then this training is the key to show you what’s missing from your practice!

  • What’s Your Unique Success Archetype?



Have you ever noticed when it comes to personal development that no matter how many books you read or courses you take, your transformations never stick? It comes down to 3 different forces that can either hold you back or rocket you forward, and we’re going to talk about them today.


I’m sure you’ve heard before that your life is a direct reflection of how much personal development you do, but I want to change that slightly.


Your life is not a direct reflection of the amount of personal development you do, it's a direct reflection of the quality of personal development you do


Now, there’s nothing wrong with reading books or taking courses. But just doing personal development on its own—the books and courses—is going to limit you, because the forces I mentioned above that will support your level of growth are likely missing.


I’m going to present all 3 forces to you shortly, but first I wanted to pre-emptively tackle a couple of objections and rationalizations that typically come up when I share them.


The first objections involve pride and ego. Pride, because most people pride themselves on doing it all on their own, and ego, because it is naturally very attached to personal development and feelings of worthiness. Most people will make the mistake of not asking for help, because of these two influences. But that’s a mistake because it limits success and keeps you in the exact same spot!


Another thing most people do is use personal development to escape developing personally. 


What do I mean by that? When you break a limiting belief, you have to face all the crap that created it. A lot of people don’t want to do that! So, they’ll rationalize the self-study and doing it all themselves is personal development. But if that's all you do, what happens when you get to the point of transformation where you have to face the deep stuff? You distract yourself, or you get another book, or you just breeze past it and don't do the exercises.




Because the strongest force in the human personality is to stay consistent with who you already think you are. The ego doesn't want to change. The ego wants to stay the same. It's called a comfort zone for a reason. Comfort zone is synonymous with ego— ego, Everyone's Greatest Obstacle (E.G.O.).


You need to get past this idea of doing personal development on your own. You need to invest in yourself at a deep level if you want personal development to stick. What stops most people from investing? Money. This rationalization prevents people from diving deep into the investments that will help transform them the most!


Another rationalization people make involves their peer group. They rationalize that the people in their peer group need to be more successful than them in the area they want to succeed in. That’s not a bad thing to want—but that’s not what a mastermind is about. You want to be around people that are also successful in areas you aren’t to learn from them! Even if they’re “less successful” than you.


Now that we’ve gone over the objections and rationalizations, let’s dive into the 3 forces. 


These 3 forces will support your personal development and make them stick. 


Force 1: Coaching

You can't see your limiting beliefs. You need somebody to ask you questions and challenge you to move to the next level. 


You might rationalize that you could ask yourself the same questions a coach would to yourself… but you won’t. Not really. You won’t dig into the question at the depth or go at it from the angle a coach would.  


A coach doesn’t need to be more successful than you, but they do need to know how to ask you the right questions that will lead you to the destination you seek. 


Most people will say they can’t afford a coach. Or that they’ll get one after they grow their business or get promoted. But it will never happen that way. It's called an investment for a reason. Take investing in your 401k for example. If you see that money as leaving you, that’s a scarcity mindset. But if you see that money as growing and will reward you in retirement, that’s a very different way to see it! 


You never go broke from investing in yourself. 


Force 2: Peer Group

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the people in their peer group need to be more successful than them, in the area they want to be successful in. 


What you should want instead is a peer group that is full of high performers who have heightened and sustained levels of success and happiness.  


Now, here's the thing about success and happiness. It's subjective—but that’s also what makes it powerful!


For example, if I am successful financially but I'm struggling in my parenting; Does it make sense for me to be in a peer group with someone that's crushing the parenting game but struggling financially? Absolutely! Because you can elevate each other and help each other in different areas of your business, career, life, etc.


When it comes down to it, you don’t want to surround yourself (only) with people who are more successful than you. You want to surround yourself with people who expect you to be successful. 


To evaluate a great peer group ask:

What are the values of this group? 

Are they high performers in their own right? 

Do they expect me to succeed? 

Do they call on the highest version of me? 

Do they level me up to a different way of thinking?



Force 3: Spaced Immersion

Think about spaced immersion this why: what is the best way to learn a language? It's not Duolingo—even though I do it every day to study Spanish! Space repetition of self-study is wonderful, but the fastest way to learn Spanish is to go to Mexico or Spain and immerse yourself! 


The spaced repetition of immersion—which is a segment of days where the transformation you desire is all that you’re consuming and done periodically throughout the year—is what high performers use to avoid plateaus and/or get out of them.


Most people oscillate between pain and survival. They're in a place of pain and will think, “This hurts so I'm gonna start making some changes.” They get to a place of survival where they're barely keeping their head above water, and then they’ll stop and go back down.


When high performers go from a place of pain to survival, and start dipping, that’s exactly when they practice spaced immersion! Because they know from immersion they can blast off to the next level of success and breakthrough the limiting beliefs currently holding them back. When another plateau comes around, they know it’s time to practice spaced immersion again and flood themselves with the energy of transformation!


We need all three of these forces for our success to be inevitable. 


But if you're one of the people that's rationalizing: 

  • I can't afford it. 
  • I'm more successful than the people that are in this group. 
  • I can do it all myself. 
  • I can't really do that right now. 



Then what you're causing is your circumstances to continue. 


This might be because of the limiting beliefs that you have going on in your life. Once you have identified what those limiting beliefs are that allows you to start the process of personal change. It allows you to actually move forward.


And if you're in that place where you're saying, “Well, ok, this makes sense. But I do have some of those limiting beliefs that make me not want to do some of these things because I know there's an investment involved.”


You have to bridge the gap of starting beyond scarcity instead of trying to get past scarcity. 


If this is making sense, but you still feel challenged, it might be because of the lens in which you are viewing success: your success archetype. Your success archetype is the meaning of the limiting beliefs you have about success. 


I’ve mentioned this multiple times before in the show, but I’ve studied roughly 40,000 people from all over the world. And in doing so, I’ve recognized 5 major archetypes and I’ve developed a free 60-second quiz that will show you yours. 


If you’re joining us at Rewired LIVE later this week—and it’s not too late to get your ticket here—then taking this quiz, even if you’ve taken it before, will help you get the most out of the event. And if you’re not going to the event holy cow! Knowing your archetype will help you so much with how you view success. 


Take the free quiz: quizzes.bradbizjack.com 


Go to Rewired LIVE on May 11-12: www.bradbizjack.com/rewiredlive 


I hope you found value in today’s episode. Always remember, you're only one insight away from a radically different life.



What's your unique success archetype? Take the quiz to find out now! 





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