The Step-by-Step “Rewire your Mind” Blueprint for Entrepreneurs. Shift From Surviving to Thriving

Raise your hand if you've thought anything like...
- "How can I get through these clouds of confusion, chronic anxiety and chaos?"
- "What can I do to make things better for my family? For our business?"
- "Is stress and inconvenience really our new normal?"
- "I just want to feel like myself again..."
Create clarity, peace-of-mind, and hyperfocus so you can build an intentional life and prosperous business, one step at a time.

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In an uncertain world, progress, peace-of-mind, and profitability feel elusive.

You feel anxiety creep up every day. You down that Cabernet and pray it goes away.
Overwhelm piles up like those bills you’ve been ignoring.
The unknown looms ahead and you feel like you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop… right on your head.
No matter how hard you try…
… what podcasts you tune into, “strategies” you practice or books you read… you seem to move one step forward and then, two steps back.
This brain-baffling dance is crazy and it slowly and stealthily breaks your spirit.
You wake up every day feeling stressed and rushed instead of rested and relaxed.
The pressures of running a business and raising your family place a rock-like boulder on your shoulders and all you want to do is pull the covers over your head and go back to sleep.
Except… you can’t.
- Because even sleep eludes you.
- You're always tired, anxious and on-edge.
- Your business doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum and making the money you thought it would.
- You’re constantly arguing with your spouse or significant other.
- You have days when you wake up and actually feel like you can Carpe Diem your life, crush your to-do list and feel like a rockstar.
But the next day or the day after…
… you slide back into the quicksand of familiar routines and old patterns.
Routines where you refresh your Facebook feed endlessly to see how many ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ did your inspirational quote post get.
Patterns where you procrastinate and push things away in the hope that you wouldn’t have to deal with them. Fully knowing you’ll be swamped by guilt and regret later.
When you’re not wondering whether you’re enough… you’re looking at others fly past you and think, “They’re better than me”.
All this while… you hear that sneaky little inner voice question you...
“Can you really shift from confusion to clarity?”
“Is success a possibility even when the world seems to be spinning out of control?”

Now, you may know the answer to that question is a resounding “yes”, but your mind...your mind refuses to believe it.
Your mind calls B.S. on you each time you journal that you are peaceful, grounded and in control. That you have a happy, contented family and a thriving $100K/year business.
You look around your laundry landfill AKA living room and you know your reality doesn’t reflect the peace, the calm, the success you’ve dreamed of.
There’s no joy in what you do anymore.
And it HURTS.
You’re trying SO hard.

- You’re showing up.
- You’re pushing yourself. Often to breaking point.
- You’re reading the books. Dog-earing the pages and highlighting the lines with the enthusiasm of a toddler with a crayon.
- You’re giving your best. Even when you don’t “feel” like it.
- You’re amazing at speaking life into your family and friends.
- You spend hours glued to the laptop, creating content, trying a shiny new sales “strategy” you heard your coach talk about, encouraging your team…
And yet…
Something is missing
- Because even though you’re doing all the things, you aren’t seeing the results you want. Period.
- You want to wake up feeling excited and joyous about your day. Feeling happy and not rushed, stressed or worse, angry.
- You want to know without a shred of doubt that you will make money and you will have more money every month; every time, each time.
- You want to finally have the freedom to take days off without feeling the guilt set in.
- You want to pay off that student loan, mortgage, and live without debt saddling you down.
- You want to have the flexibility of spending time with your kids instead of telling them, “Mom has to work!”
But here’s what you need to know...
When your mind isn’t in the right place,
it’s very difficult to put one foot in front of the other...

The question is… are you using that power?
Chances are you’re not.
Chances are you know you have “limiting beliefs” holding you back but you have no idea what you need to do to break through them.
And here’s the best (or worst!) part…
Your happiness and your success go hand-in-hand.
Studies have repeatedly shown that happy people are also the MOST successful not only at work but also when it comes to areas like their marriage, friendships, health and yes, money. (source: The Happiness Diet)

How can YOU get out of your own way (and your own head) and make happiness, clarity, peace-of-mind a part of your life so your success is inevitable?
The answer is not in reading yet another book. Books are great but more often than not, they give you an overview and not an action plan.
The answer, most definitely, isn’t doing more of what you’re already doing because that clearly isn’t giving you what you need and want.
The answer is…

A step-by-step, action-ready blueprint for becoming the best version of yourself so you can get unstuck (finally!) and shift from merely surviving every day to thriving every second.

If you’re ready to stop pulling the “emergency brake” on your life and instead, speed towards clarity, success, prosperity and deep-seated contentment…
… I’d love to invite you to join me in Appreciation Academy.
This is a 3-phase mindset mastery academy guaranteed to break through everything holding you back from success, give you the confidence to accomplish your biggest dreams, and finally get you unstuck.
You’re already putting in the work to build the life of your dreams.
Isn’t it time you poured some rocket fuel on it, and see your growth skyrocket? Free of self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and that not-so-nice voice in your head.
Appreciation Academy is NOT a generic “say-a-million-affirmations” style mindset course.
It is a strategically crafted success manual designed to help you be the best version of yourself so you can accomplish those hairy, scary goals that seem unattainable right now.

Appreciation Academy is a step-by-step roadmap for serious entrepreneurs who know clarity of thought and purpose-fueled action go hand-in-hand.
- Appreciation Academy is for those who are ready to throw out the negative self-talk track and ditch self-doubt, for confident, clear-headed growth, and success; not only in their business (that’s a given!) but also in their life.
- It is for those who don’t want detours and distractions when building a life of freedom and flexibility.
- A life they and their families can thrive in instead of scrambling to pay the bills every month.
- Appreciation Academy was created to help marketers and business owners who know they’re destined for greatness if only someone would show them HOW.
Meet Brad Bizjack, Mindset Mentor and
Founder of Appreciation Academy

and I’m SO excited you’re here… Just the fact that you’re reading this page shows me how committed you are to living your best life and being the best version of yourself.
I know exactly how it feels to be stuck and play the negativity soundtrack on a loop in your head.
And I know this…
...because for almost 5 years, I’d tell people what I wanted. I’d talk about it all the time but then, I’d park my butt on the couch, drown my frustration in a bowl of Doritos and binge-watch Breaking Bad 4 days in a row.
And then… I’d get even more pissed at myself for being depressed, stuck and not doing anything.
So I’d pick myself up for a few days before something would happen that would make me stumble…
… and I’d return to the couch, the bag of Doritos and Breaking Bad.
- Naturally, my life would play out the same way too.
- My business wasn’t going anywhere.
- My paychecks never had the numbers I wanted on them.
- I was doing the same things and getting the same results.
It’s only when I started investing in myself, and taking sharp, focused action, that I could flip the “mediocrity is my default mode” switch off.
I would show up with confidence, clarity, and, most importantly, I zeroed in on accomplishing my life’s goals.

I created a life of clarity, of abundance and genuine happiness.

I knew exactly what I needed to do, why and how.
I shifted from merely coasting through life, taking whatever it handed out to me and instead, started creating my new reality, shifting age-old beliefs and experiencing radical clarity needed to build a successful business.
All of this to say…
I get it, friend.
I know exactly how it feels to have the rug pulled out from under your feet and free-fall through anxiety and bouts of depression.
But I also know…
I've seen both sides. I know what it's like. And I can teach you how to break through it.

“Brad Bizjack is amazing!! If I need help- he’s there.. he is there in his group, and present always! This is helping my entire family becoming more positive and learn how to react better to situations. I was verbally attacked today and instead of having a complete anxiety attack that I would’ve had in the past... I used the tools I have learned to work through the situation and feel empowered! You need this!!”
- Angelica Last, Business Owner

“This is personal development on steroids. It's not fluffy like most PD. It's so interactive and you get customized support to your specific life challenges. I'm sharing so much deeper and more authentically with my audience.
I'm able to help my kids with their challenges better than ever before.
The return on this investment is phenomenal. I truly believe every person needs to do Appreciation Academy.”
- Seay Stanford, 15 Star Diamond 4X Elite Beachbody Coach

“One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself! I’ve been struggling with negative self-talk and I knew it needed to change but didn’t know how.
Brad is making the "how" so clear for me with his action steps. I’ve only been working with him for a couple of weeks and already things are changing. I feel happier and my days are starting out much more positive. I love his passion and energy.
I’m recognizing my negative patterns and feel comfortable sharing the things holding me back because he is so relatable. I’m so excited to continue to dive in and change my life!”
- Laura Miller, Health and Wellness Coach and Mom of 3

“Appreciation Academy is what everyone is missing in their life! In such a short time, I was able to create positive thoughts, change my energy, and create happiness.
With the tools that Brad is teaching, I was able to control my emotions even in an argument with a loved one and therefore change the outcome of it. I haven't even completed the Academy yet but the tremendous impact it has made on me, my relationships and my life are unmeasurable.
Because of Appreciation Academy, I'm bursting out this newly found energy that is attracting like-minded people in my life and business. I'm already so much happier! Everyone who feels stuck in business, life and relationships need to invest in Appreciation Academy today!”
- Aylin Nardiran, Online Fitness Coach/ Real Estate Agent

Inside Appreciation Academy, You’ll Get the Keys You Need to…

Evaluate Your Life and Eliminate Toxic Habits
In Phase 1 of the program, you’ll rewire your perception of the past. You’ll get access to 4 modules with bite-sized lessons to help you create the foundation you need for a fulfilling and abundant life.
You’ll learn:
- How to take 100% responsibility for your life and let go of all blame even if you feel like where you are isn't your fault.
- How to instantly have the energy required to create your dreams, even after a grueling commute and a 12-hour day at work.
- The truth behind what's actually been holding you back and instantly beat it, so you feel empowered to go after your scariest dream.
- The skills you need to ditch poisonous habits and replace them with success-focused routines and mindsets.
- How to surround yourself with positive peer pressure so it’s impossible for you to fail.
- How to respectfully limit exposure to toxic people (even close family members).
- How to easily demolish any dream-destroying behaviors you have.

Design Your Ideal Future
In Phase 2, over the course of 4 easy-to-implement modules, you’ll create your action plan for your future. Because remember… self-education builds you a fortune and make you happy.
Don Herold rightly said, "Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it."
So, in this phase, you shift gears and get radically clear about the life you want to create.
You’ll learn:
- How to gain clarity on what you want most out of life and craft a specific plan to get there WITHOUT letting fear and doubt stop you.
- What career or business you want in minutes, even if you haven't been able to figure it out for years.
- A practical, 5-step process to end procrastination forever. Yes, forever, my friend.
- The single fastest, most effective way to set goals and actually achieve them, regardless of how much time you have at the end of your day.
- How to make your dreams happen in the most effective way so you don't waste any more time.
- Literally increase your weekly productivity by over 30%, guaranteed.
- Why your brain doesn't want you to be happy, live your dreams, or find love (and what to do about it).

Create The Present You Deserve
Phase 3 is all about appreciating the present and enjoying the journey you’re on, right now.
This is the breakthrough phase where you close the gap between where you are right now and your wildest dreams.
In this phase, you lean on 4 modules to help you re-program the supercomputer of your brain and create a legacy you’ll be proud of.
You’ll learn:
- A 5-step process to literally choose your emotions, so every defeating situation or negative emotion becomes an incredible opportunity to make your goals happen faster.
- How to be grateful for the life you have even if it's not the life you want. (hint: this is the key to creating the life you want)
- The art of creating your life by designing by shattering limiting beliefs and turning off the negative self-talk track in your head that hold you back.
- How to easily erase the fear of judgment and be unapologetically YOU.
- The single fastest, easiest, and most uplifting way to eliminate all pain from your life in an instant. Say your final goodbyes to your inner demons that hold you back.
- The real reasons why you may be sabotaging your future and how to stop them in their track.
- How to attract success instead of trying to force it, so your dreams come to you 10X faster
Most importantly, when you complete Appreciation Academy,

“I'm so glad I joined! It’s like when you get a new purse. When you’re switching over from the old one, you throw away all the garbage and unneeded things, so you can only put the best of the best into your new purse. Well, that’s what Brad does with your freaking life in Appreciation Academy. He turns it upside down and has you FINALLY throw out all the old garbage and put only the best of the best back into your new life.
I’m so glad I joined Appreciation Academy and can’t wait to keep growing even more. This is changing my life more than I ever imagined.
- Sarah Ottman, Home Business Owner

“He has undeniable credit. Watch one video from Brad. You'll feel it.
Brad is a no B.S. person. You're not about to dive into a group of warm and fuzzy motivation.
You’re going to get action to change your life. He's actually experienced what he's teaching you, so he's not gonna blow smoke. He truly cares about you changing your life. That's rare.”
- Steph Cramm, Former Corporate Recruiter turned Full Time Network Marketer

“While I intended for a change in just my business, Appreciation Academy has impacted all parts of my life because the way we think about EVERYTHING impacts all the actions we take in all aspects of life. I’ve gained an amazing toolset that I apply daily.
When I feel stuck or unsure, I have my mindset family in a tight-knit private FB group.
Other members have become close friends and true supporters who get it! Brad always provides so much support in all his personal feedback and office hours. I’ve changed the way I think about myself, I celebrate my wins, I catch myself before I find myself struggling.
The most important to me of all though is I have literally been glowing with happiness and shining as a growing leader- and my teammates SEE it ❤️.
I hit business goals that hadn’t been hit for 7+ months all because my mindset and energy changed.
I truly found my purpose and what sets my soul on fire to show up for others (and myself). I feel so much more confident knowing I have this access for life and that I can only keep going up!
- Rachelle Ruffner

Fuel Clarity and Confidence in Every Life Area with These Bonuses

Choose the Pay-In-Full Bonus to save AND get a FREE ticket to our Appreciation Academy LIVE event in 2020.

Want to Go the
Scenic Savings Route?
- Pay-in-Full
- 75% off of $1997
- BONUS: Get a FREE ticket to our LIVE event
Pay In Full

Prefer Fun Flexibility?
- Easy-Pay Payment Plan
- 75% off
- Start today for $47 only
12-Monthly Payments

You’re Protected by the “Completely Change Your Life" 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Investing in yourself can feel scary. I get it.
You may worry, “What if this program is no different?” “What if my life stays the same?”
So, here’s what I want to do…
I promise that by the end of this course, you'll know exactly what you want out of your life, how to get it, and how to overcome every obstacle getting in the way.
But only if you show up and put in the work.
And that is why, if at any time, during the first 90 days (after you complete each lesson in the program and complete each of the exercise worksheets), you feel that Appreciation Academy didn’t live up to its promise, just email my team that you’re dissatisfied with the content and attached each of your completed assignments, and we'll refund you no questions asked.
In fact, I’ll also let you retain access AND give you a $20 Amazon gift card so you can invest in a personal growth book of your choice.
I take this work very seriously and your trust means the world to me. I won't let you down.

Want to Go the
Scenic Savings Route?
- Pay-in-Full
- 75% off of $1997
- BONUS: Get a FREE ticket to our LIVE event
Pay In Full

Prefer Fun Flexibility?
- Easy-Pay Payment Plan
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- Start today for $47 only
12-Monthly Payments
Let’s Weigh Your Self-Growth Choices...

Answers to “Will this really work for me?”
and Other Questions
Q1. I’ve worked with a personal development coach earlier but once my sessions ended, I gradually but steadily slipped back into old self-sabotaging patterns. How will this be any different?
Q2. I’m worried my spouse will think that once again I’m signing up for something that would be of no use to me or my business. How can I help him see that this will be different?
Q3. I’m an avid personal growth and self-development student. I’ve read a lot of books and have also done quite a bit of work. Is Appreciation Academy right for someone who doesn’t struggle with self-doubt and self-sabotage all the time?
Q4. I know this isn’t a business course but will what you teach in Appreciation Academy help me earn more from my business? I’ve heard about money blocks and I think I may have a few from my childhood. Will AA help clear them?
Q5. I have young kids and a hectic life. How much time will I need for this program?
Q6. Will I get direct access to Brad? What if I have questions after I finish the course?
Q7. How soon will I see any results or growth? What happens if I join but don’t see any results?
Q8. What happens after I sign up?
Q9. I still have questions. Who can I reach out to?
Now that you have the answers you need.
Find Out if Appreciation Academy is the Rocket Fuel for Your Goals and Dreams
You should join Appreciation Academy ONLY if…
- You’re ready to STOP feeling stuck, confused and average. You're ready to stop playing small just because that’s what you’d learned in the past. You want to step up and shine and have the confidence to empower others to build successful lives and businesses too.
- You want to offload the bondage of generational baggage. You want to be the BEST version of you for your family. You want your kids to grow up in a positive environment and not carry on the legacy of self-sabotage and guilt.
- You want to be happy in the NOW. Limiting beliefs are your “jam” and you’re ready to say “peace out” to them. You don’t want to be semi-committed to living your best life and are prepared to go all-in.
- You want FREEDOM from money worries, time struggles, health problems and living with anxiety and fear. You want to build a thriving, successful business so your family has enough money and you have the flexibility to spend time with them.
- You’re ready to get UNSTUCK. You feel like you’re fighting a wall and you’re done just talking about what you need to do but nothing changes. You want action steps that make positive change and progress a reality.

- You wake up every day with joy in your heart. Not even the toughest, most explosive situation can rattle your sense of self-belief and inner calm.
- You handle crisis with confidence and hard conversations with ease.
- You know that your past doesn’t define you and you move forward towards your goals consistently.
- Your business is successful, your family life and friendships are thriving and you feel content.
- You go through your days with your eyes on what your vision is for your life. You no longer succumb to the “victim mindset” of feeling like the world is out to get you and that no matter what you do, you end up with the same result.
- You’re focused, intentional and purpose-filled.
You now know that your biography is not your destiny.
So, here’s what I want to know…
Are you ready to take the all-important next step and make your best life your new reality?
Are you ready to make a choice that can change not only the course of your business but the legacy you create for your family?
Are you ready to stop mistaking movement for achievement, staying stuck, getting in your own way and holding yourself back simply because you don’t know how to change gears (and your reality)?

I hope you’ll accept my invitation to join me in Appreciation Academy and give me the honor and privilege of empowering you to create the life and business success you truly deserve.

“This material is life-changing! After reading many self-help books, Brad's trainings are by far the most compelling.
The training gives you tangible ways to improve your daily outlook and build the self-confidence that ties directly to your goals.
I've already seen big strides in my abilities to grow a business and my friends and family are starting to ask what's changed about me. I'm so grateful I started!”
- Courtney Frazee, Owner, Oleander Branding

"If you feel like you're "doing all the things" and still not getting where you wanna go, you need Brad's Appreciation Academy! This is the missing link to breaking down your walls and reaching your potential!"
- Micah Folsom - Double 15 Star Diamond, 4X Elite Beachbody Coach, Multi-Million Dollar Earner in Network Marketing

"My life is forever changed! Absolutely blown away! This program has opened my eyes just to how different life can be! I've learned so much about myself and have noticed a mindset shift to where I am responding differently to situations and thinking more clearly in my life & my business. The support and encouragement from Brad is amazing & he means it when he says he is THERE for you the whole way!
Since I joined Appreciation Academy, not only is my business growing more in the last few months than it has in years (my checks have over doubled!!), but disagreements with my husband have ended & my marriage is thriving. I am a more present mother with my two toddlers. I am genuinely the happiest I have ever been, my anxiety no longer controls me & I have learned that I am in control of my life, success in my business & happiness at all times! I cannot tell you just how incredible I feel!"
- Janelle LaBrie - Online Course Creator and Multi 6 Figure Earner In Network Marketing

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Scenic Savings Route?
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- Easy-Pay Payment Plan
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- Start today for $47 only
12-Monthly Payments

Make the world (and your life) better!
5% of your purchase will be donated to C.U.R.E. Ride (Cycling Under Reduced Eyesight) to cure LHON (a genetically inherited disease that leads to loss of central vision). The disease usually affects people in their teens or twenties, and there is currently no treatment or cure. With your help, we can find one.